
Last update: 10-07-2018

Here you will find lots of courses, blogs, tutorials, projects and other interesting resources that will help you if you are starting a Machine Learning career or if you just want to learn some AI in your free time.

Disclaimer: I haven’t done all of these courses (and not all of the courses I have done are here), so I can’t guarantee its quality. But based on the research and readings I have done, I can recommend you to take a look if you are interested in.

Courses and MOOCs

Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Natural Language Processing

  • Deep Natural Language Processing 2017, Oxford
  • Deep Natural Language Processing 2017, Stanford

Reinforcement Learning



Mailing lists

Youtube Channels

  • Siraj Raval: lots of tutorials and interesting applications for Machine Learning and Neural Networks.
  • Two Minutes Paper: amazing papers summaries about Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence

Projects and Tools:

  • Keras: a high-level neural networks API for Python with TensorFlow or Theano backend. This repo contains lots of resources, tutorials and examples.
  • Python Plays GTA V: apply Computer Vision and Machine Learning step by step in a complex environment.
  • Face Recognition: find, identify and manipulate faces with this simple library. This is another great repo with interesting face recognition tools.
  • Deep Feature Flow for Video Recognition: a simple, fast, accurate, and end-to-end framework for video recognition.
  • Open AI RL Algorithms: a set of high-quality implementations of Reinforcement Learning algorithms.
  • Neural Style Transfer: resources to understand and implement Neural Style Transfer.
  • Prophet: tool for producing high quality forecasts for time series data that has multiple seasonality with linear or non-linear growth.

Online courses compilations

Other resources:

If you have any other interesting resource to stay up-to-date with Machine Learning don’t hesitate to share it. Leave a comment here .